The 19th Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Video Viewing

Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg

November 3, 2024

Date and Time Details: Sunday, November 3, 2 - 4 pm

Location: Cranaleith Spiritual Center

Address: 13475 Proctor Road, Philadelphia, PA, USA


All are welcome!: Request scholarship.

  • $25.00 – Program price

Join us for a special day at Cranaleith to come together in the name of peace and in support of our critical concern of nonviolence.

We will gather inside in our Conference and Education Center to view a video of the 19th joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony which occurred on May 12, 2024. A one-of-a-kind event, it was recorded and streamed worldwide. Hundreds of thousands have been able to view it in groups or individually.

The video is sponsored by the Philly chapter of American Friends of Combatants for Peace. Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg, one of the founders of the local group, will also join us for comments and conversation post video viewing.

The ceremony began in 2006 and is co-sponsored by the Combatants for Peace, an organization of former Israeli soldiers and Palestinian militants, and the Parents Circle-Families Forum, a group of bereaved Israeli and Palestinian families that work together for reconciliation.

The Joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day ceremony calls for sharing grief. It is meant to harness the collective mourning and underscore the pointlessness of war.

The ceremony, this year more than ever is based on the radical and spiritual act of making each other’s pain visible to the other. We do this to humanize the other. This is in the service of our message of reconciliation, non-violence and ending the war.

This year’s ceremony is dedicated to the innocent children whose only crime is that they are either Israeli or Palestinian.

CLICK HERE for a video to learn more about Combatants of Peace!

About the Facilitator

Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg

Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg is an author, poet, rabbi and teacher. She has served as a congregational rabbi for seventeen years.  She has also worked in the fields of Jewish community relations, Jewish education and Hillel. She has published widely on such topics as feminism, spiritual direction, parenting, social justice and mindfulness from a Jewish […]

Learn more about Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg

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