Trebbe Johnson

Trebbe Johnson is the author of Fierce Consciousness: Surviving the Sorrows of Earth and Self, Radical Joy for Hard Times: Finding Meaning and Making Beauty in Earth’s Broken Places, and other books, as well as many articles and essays that explore the human bond with nature. She is the founder and director of the global community Radical Joy for Hard Times, devoted to finding and making beauty in wounded places. Trebbe has led contemplative journeys in a clear-cut forest, Ground Zero in New York, the Sahara Desert, and currently with military veterans. She lives in Ithaca, New York.

Upcoming Programs by Trebbe Johnson

Earth Hospice Rites for All

Also Alison Cornish

October 24, 2024
Something very dear to us humans is dying, and that is our relationship with the seasons, plants, animals, and waters as we know and love them.  In many ways, we are called to offer Earth practices similar to that which hospice offers to our friends and family as they end their physical lives amongst us. In this workshop, Trebbe and Alison will offer an exploration of how Earth Hospice Rites can be utilized in participants’ own settings, both online and in-person.